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Schrader Plumbing Blog

Don’t DIY Your Plumbing Projects: Why You Should Call a Professional

We’ve all been there: the sink starts leaking, or the toilet won’t stop running. In today’s DIY culture, it’s tempting to grab a wrench and tackle the problem yourself. After all, there are countless tutorials online, and fixing a minor issue seems straightforward. However, when it comes to plumbing, DIY can often lead to more […]

10 Ways To Save Money On Plumbing

Want To Learn How To Save Money on Plumbing Repairs? Read on! Plumbing problems can cause significant migraines for homeowners. Common issues include leaks, clogs, and sewer issues. Not only can these problems wreak havoc on your home (and make for a terrible day), but they can also take a bite out of your budget. But […]

Precious Valuable Fall Down The Drain?

Oh NO, has your ring fallen down the drain?? Have a trinket or treasure valuable that to your horror fell down the drain? Your grandmother’s family heirloom earrings or the beautiful engagement ring that you took off to do the dishes? Your first instinct may be to think they are gone in an instant, but […]

Benefits of Water Heater Maintenance

We all take Hot water for granted – until that unexpected morning that we step into the shower, eyes still half-closed, to awaken instantly with a scream as a blast of cold water hits us and we hurl ourselves back out. Talk about a wake-up call! In order for your water heater to flow as […]


Put these basic Plumbing tips to work to avoid Plumbing Disasters! Every homeowner’s worst nightmare is to awaken to flooding in their house. We tend to forget about things we don’t see, and plumbing systems usually do their thing in hidden areas. But just like everything else, your plumbing is subject to wear and tear. […]

DIY Plumbing Projects That Are Actually Illegal

You might fancy yourself the world’s greatest handyman. And you very well could be. But just, because you can do it yourself, doesn’t mean you should. We all think that saving money is a great idea, but tackling these projects on your own may cost you more in the long run. Many plumbing jobs, for […]